Even though we won't tell you our secrets this time, everybody must find their own secret that will connect him forever to our river. However, we will share with you one confession about our unbelievable experiences in the last 10 years of our existance.
The first cataloque that was relased proudly emphasized the motto "Come as guests and go as friends''. Today, after so many cataloques we can confirm that nothing has changed and that although we no longer use above mentioned motto, we are proudly pointing it out. We try to provide a sense of friendly relations and hospitality to each and every guest and are always surprised how much of you return to our center with words of praise about the perceived adventure, partying and holidays.
I'll be honest, it's the little things we enjoy the most. We enjoy each smile, each returnee in our center, every family, friends or strangers who were introduced in our environment. All this proves that we provided them with beautiful moments and emotions that our guest will carry their memories forever. Our skippers, guides, chefs and all other staff are at your service to get all the information on the spot. Therefore we hope that you will consider a vacation based on natural values and come with your friends, family, or alone.
See you on the river,
Amidžić Armin & Japodian team