Our Center provides all professional Off roaders leadership and experience of new trails and forest roads in Bihać region. We already have experience in organization of larger Off Road Guiding.

At this time we do not provide our own Off road services but we are ready to assist all professional groups in approaching this unusual experience on the trails of our region.

Just contact us, and we will develop and plan the trip, describe the track, so you can join us in our camp and spend a couple of nice days with a new Off Road experience.

If you are an amateur interested in SUVs we advise you to choose our Photo Safari activity. It is very similar to the off-road. We will drive you along forest macadams, and you will be able to take photos or record everything with your camera.

For professional off-roaders we offer:

  • a handful of trails and roads that follow the classic forest roads, destroyed by tractors when extracting timber, soil erosion with many puddles of clay and the like.
  • longitudinally, we can offer paths of 10-12 km a real off road and then valleys connect to other forest roads with as much Off Road trail, which eventually drop to 100 kilometers of trails and pleasant Off Road trips, where you can check what your sport really can.

All that is in combination with lunch in nature inside the deep forest.


Off Road


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